Tarek Haddad Holdings INC
is a Canadian company that has several subsidiaries​

Smith Metal Works LTD
SmithMetalWorks is a proud winner for 5 years of Best of Home Stars Awards in the railings category. We have close to 5 times more reviews than any company under the same category and almost a perfect score of 10 out 10.We are specialized in custom railings, Indoor Railings, Outdoor Railings, Fences, Gates, Windows, Commercial Designs, and Custom Fabrications. SmithMetalWorks is simply the best when it comes to custom railings in Toronto & the GTA.

Websiteroof is a Canadian web hosting company. founded in 2019, Websiteroof has continually innovated new ways to deliver on our mission to empower people to fully harness the web. Based in Toronto, Ontario, we provide comprehensive tools to hundreds of users. Anyone can get on the web and experience the online presence with our web hosting packages.

We collect all the necessary tools for your business in one place
PetraCRM® is a sub-brand name of Tarek Haddad Holdings Inc "THH Inc", a Canadian company With multiple companies in several fields, including development and technology All departments of our company are directly managed by THH INC.